Friday, November 5, 2010

MSNBC’s election night lineup draws criticism (Yahoo News)

Thu Nov 4, 2:37 pm ET
MSNBC’s election night lineup draws criticism
By Michael Calderone

Matthews' interview with Minnesota GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann was the MSNBC moment that has drawn the most attention and criticism. Matthews used the interview mainly to focus on comments Bachmann made more than two years ago about investigating "un-American attitudes" in Congress. Eventually he became so exasperated with her that he wondered aloud if the lawmaker had been "hypnotized."
MY comment on this article
Posted on Yahoo Friday, November 05, 2010 10:22am

Chris Matthews is an accomplished reporter and he asked her the same question at least three times. Each time she rattled off the same imbecilic canned speech that sounded like a pre-recorded message, she never even attempted to answer his question. She DID sound and look like a zombie, with her "Stepford-Wife" manner. It would NOT surprise me if she WAS hypnotized!

michelle bachmann, like most of the Tea Party idiots mistakenly thinks that voters don't care what she says, and they are nearly always incapable of answering a spontaneous question, because they are largely misinformed about most issues that interest voters. Instead, they want to address their own agendas.

ALL the female republican/tea party "Candidates" (and I use that term loosely!) are like trained seals, using the same rhetoric and demeaning terms like "man up", etc., as if it were from a training manual, which it probably is. bachmann, christine o'donnell, sarah palin, sharron angle (even rand paul) and others collectively could not compare to Hillary Clinton in intelligence and dignity. They use crude words, (as sarah palin saying "bastard" on national TV like some cheap hooker, and all the tea party people carrying signs that portray Nazis, etc.) and then they wonder why they get no respect.

These women are too stupid to realize that they are being trotted out by the "Old Guard" White Power republican men as their TOKEN "women candidates". This is a calculated move by the republican leaders to make their party appear to be somewhat progressive, but nothing could be further from the truth.

The White Power republican men "script" and coach these women puppets and the women are stupid enough to believe those men respect them and want to help them, when the men in charge really still have the same 1940's mentality and want all women to be kept ignorant, uneducated, and in supporting roles ("barefoot & pregnant") Fortunately, most women are intelligent enough to discern this ploy.

bachmann, like angle, palin, o'donnell and others are so narcissistic, starved for attention and desiring to be in the limelight that they are blind to the truth and will say whatever they are told to say by people like mitch mcconnell and john boehner, who themselves are somewhat repetitive and unoriginal in their own speech and manner. They, too sound like canned speech from sixty years ago. The republicans and tea party people are truly sickening to intelligent voters who want REAL candidates to address their REAL issues.

This is why the 1972 term "women and other minorities" was coined, because those Old Guard" White Power republican "men" think they are somehow superior to all women and all women AND men of other races. We have finally managed to outnumber those dinosaur White Power republican men, which is why Barack Obama was elected President.

"Women and other minorities" do NOT share the same ideals and desires that the "Old Guard" (White Power republican men) THINK we do. They are permanently on their way out of power, whether they like it or not. NEVER again will women and all people of other races defer to those "Old Guard" White Power republican "men"!

"White" Women and women AND men of other races want diversity, equality, education, jobs, NO war, we do NOT want all the things the dinosaur White Power republican men want, and we will prevail.

michelle bachmann and her ilk are likely to have been forgotten in ten years or less, and President Barack Obama will go down in history as one of the Best Presidents ever.

Chris Matthews is a superb interviewer, and he was RIGHT, michelle bachmann DID seem to be hypnotized and/or indoctrinated, just as a religious cult member like the "Moonies". He was justified in asking her if she was hypnotized, because that is what she projected!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

MY Letter to President Obama November 4, 2010

Dear President Obama,

Two years ago today we, the MAJORITY of voters in this country elected YOU, because we believe in you, we respect your campaign promises to CHANGE from the republican way of running the government.

WE ARE ANGRY about the lost Democratic seats in Tuesday's election.Yes, Mr. President, we voters would LIKE bipartisanship, but it is HIGHLY apparent, at least to the voters, that the republicans have absolutely NO wish to cooperate with YOU.

PLEASE STOP trying to pander to them, the republicans stand for and fight for WHITE POWER, and they will NEVER, EVER Co-operate with YOU.

The republicans have absolutely NO wish to DO anything that will benefit the majority of voters in this country, which is the job they and YOU were elected to do.

THIS IS WHY THE VOTERS ARE VERY ANGRY ON BOTH SIDES. NOTHING is being done, the representatives are being paid, but working people HAVE NOTHING.
No jobs, NO Money, NO bailouts, and for some, NO HOMES.

We are sick and tired of elected officials who forget their constituents the moment they are elected, and who think they can just do whatever they please, with NO thought to the voters and the NEEDS of the voters!!!!! We are sick and tired of the political GAMES!

DEAR President Obama, We LOVE YOU. We continue to support you.

BUT WE, the working class voters elected YOU to FIGHT for our rights, to FIGHT AGAINST the Corporate Mentality of the republicans.

We NEED YOU TO: tell the republicans that WE are NOT giving EVEN a percentage of an inch to the republicans for any reason, NOT NOW AND NOT EVER!

PLEASE, President Obama, No More "Mr. Nice Guy" to the republicans.


We voted for YOU in order to get away from the republican manner of doing business.WE VOTED FOR YOU FOR CHANGE, BUT YOU ARE NOT FIGHTING FOR CHANGE.

We love you, we support you, but you MUST FIGHT THE REPUBLICAN CORPORATE AGENDA!!!!

Fight them and their ideas in the SAME way THEY have been fighting YOU!
THEY are "At War" with YOU. YOU MUST FIGHT BACK!!!

PLEASE, I BEG YOU! President Obama, IF you want those of us who voted for you (and who have continued to support you) to be there for your re-election bid,