Wednesday, September 4, 2013


September 03, 2013

GREAT Editorial from Ken Selvaggi, Vice President and General Manager, Wave3 News, Louisville, Kentucky, About the Indiana Health Care Exchange  (Video and Transcript available  here:)

Every American, and especially every Hoosier needs to see/hear and/or read Mr. Selvaggi's comments, every word he spoke is true. 

Do NOT believe republican propaganda about the Affordable Health Care Act (AKA "ObamaCare")

Indiana Governor mike pence is just another republican LIAR, HE doesn't care if Hoosiers are healthy or not! 

MOST of the points in the ACA were originally introduced BY republicans, but now that President Obama initiated it, pathetic republicans are voting against their own ideas! They are wasting OUR Tax Dollars just to be obstinate because they are sore losers and resent being bested by a Half-White Man.

Here is Alan Grayson's 2009 Video on GOP Health Care Plan: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"'

Alan Grayson is right, because REPUBLICANS HAVE OFFERED NO ALTERNATIVE to the Affordable Health Care Act, which proves THEY are NOT concerned about anyone's Health Care but THEIR OWN.

Hypocrites, they should be willing to RELINQUISH THEIR OWN good Health Care that WE pay for, especially since they are so eager to DENY the same benefit to their constituents!!

The Original proposal from President Obama would have been much better, but republicans kept demanding changes, and now that the watered-down version is LAW, they rail against it and want to repeal it, so they can continue receiving their bribes from Big Insurance and Harmaceutical Companies.

Now that the ACA IS law, kids can stay on their parents' insurance till age 26.  Also, NO ONE can be denied Health Care for having a "Pre-existing condition".  In the past, misogynistic insurance companies were allowed to deny health insurance coverage to women for Just BEING Born Female!

In addition, IF you already HAVE Health Insurance, you will probably NOT be affected by the changes brought by the law.

WHY would any caring person deny their fellow Americans the chance to have Health Insurance?  I want EVERYONE to be able to enjoy good Health Care.

Best of all, NOW under this new law, Insurance companies are FORCED to spend at least 85% of the premiums they collect to provide ACTUAL health care rather than on HIGHLY INFLATED CEO "WAGES" AND BONUSES (as they have been doing for decades!)

THAT is the REAL reason Insurance rates have soared over the past few years! AND, We are all ALREADY paying for Uninsured people to go to Emergency Rooms, etc. 

Remember the republican's bogus claim of FICTITIOUS "Death Panels"!  The TRUTH is that republicans are the REAL "Death Panels", because they themselves enjoy good Health Insurance Coverage, yet they are actively trying to prevent their fellow human beings from attaining Health Care. How ANTI-American of them!!