Sunday, October 10, 2010

Why NOT to Celebrate Columbus Day

Christopher Columbus was a navigator and explorer, sponsored by the government of Spain. He is said to have "discovered the New World." However, as indigenous residents on this continent were already established here at the time, there was NO "discovery" involved, and Mr. Columbus was merely a visitor to "The Americas", which includes what is now called the United States.

When we say "Columbus discovered America (the USA)", that is like saying Governor Schwarzenegger "discovered" California, when he merely WENT there to a place that was already populated.

After Mr. Columbus allegedly "discovered" the "New World." in 1492, this country was exploited, and the indigenous peoples have been the victims of Cultural Genocide in many respects ever since. Ninety-five percent of the indigenous people who were Native to this country prior to Columbus coming here were slaughtered.

The European settlers who came to this country after 1492 have tried to obliterate the indigenous religion, language, culture and people in many ways.

Our indigenous people have been relegated to "reservations" on the poorest lands in our nation, forced to live in squalor and poverty, while our government withholds payment that was promised to them for the riches that have been plundered, and for the theft of what is rightfully the property of these indigenous people. High death rates resulted from forced marches to relocate the Indians.

All these despicable acts by people who claim to be "Christians" have been anything but Christlike in their disrespect, hatred, neglect and abuse of all tribes of the red race. Untold atrocities have been committed against these people in the name of "progress".

This alleged "progress" has led to the pollution of our land, air and water, the rape and exploitation of our natural resources, the slaughter of animals, including to the extinction of an estimated forty million buffalo, and the disrespect, terrible cruelty and hundreds of broken treaties for indigenous peoples in this country.

Christopher Columbus should NOT be "honored" for his "discovery" of a country that was already known to indigenous people, who are now suffering daily from the cumulative effects of the damage that has been done to them, simply because they were found living here.

Christopher Columbus should NOT be "honored" for his part in ruining this country. We need to stop perpetuating this false idea.

The "Discovery" of this country was made by the indigenous people whom the Great Spirit placed on this land. It is rightfully theirs. They cared for the earth, and everything on it, respected the environment, and realized that the land belongs to no one, but that the Great Spirit gave the land for the use of all people. They did not let greed direct them. They tried to be good neighbors and share the resources, but the greedy "white" men were not willing to share, and instead stole from them.

If Christopher Columbus could see this country today, would HE think he had done an honorable thing by coming here.
Would HE think he deserved honor?

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