Thursday, February 5, 2009

2009 Stimulus Package--Wake Up, Republicans!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Wake Up, Republicans!

Throughout the 2008 election, opponents of Barack Obama kept whining about his perceived lack of experience.

In October 1960, Richard Nixon referred to John F. Kennedy, saying "We can't afford to have the White House as a training ground for an inexperienced man who is rash and impulsive." Senator Kennedy replied: "This administration has failed to recognize that in these changing times, with a revolution of rising expectations sweeping the globe, the United States has lost its image as a new, strong, vital revolutionary society". This most recent election was in many ways a re-run of that one.

The reason President Kennedy was able to defeat Nixon was because American voters were tired of an administration that ran the country counter to the desires of the majority of voters.

The reason President Obama was able to defeat McCain was because American voters are tired of an administration that ran the country counter to the desires of the majority of voters.

The past administration failed to address the needs of most voters. This is why Barack Obama was elected to the office of President of the United States. This is why many incumbent Republicans lost their office.

Since they couldn't beat Barack Obama in the election, are his opponents trying to beat him by refusing to cooperate with the will of the President, and thus, the voters? Don't they understand that voters don't want the same things they do? We want NEW procedures, the old ones do NOT work!

President Obama is limited in what he can do, but he is a symbol of the voters in this country. When lawmakers act against the President, they are acting against the voters. On November 4, the majority of voters sent a message that politics, like the world, must change. We live in a Global Society today, and the politics of yesteryear are outdated and no longer effective, because they do not address the needs of most voters.

We live in a diverse society, and we all want our voices heard. We have now reached the point where the former minority of women and non-white men voters has reversed positions with the former majority of older white men.

In an attempt to heal the wounds of the past eight years, President Obama very graciously extended the hand of Bi-Partisanship to the Republicans.

By disregarding that opportunity and unanimously voting against the Stimulus Package, Republicans made it quite apparent that they're more interested in asserting their
egos than in addressing the needs of their constituents.

Whatever reason for their madness, Republicans who plan to run for office in the future should consider how their present intent to hinder progress will affect their chance for re-election. Their refusal to accept the will of the voters and the kindness of our President makes them appear to have the judgment of toddlers, whining because they did not get their way.

We want our representatives to stop their juvenile bickering and just do the job for which they were elected! We work hard and we expect our representatives to do the same.

After half or more of bush's white collar criminal cabinet was indicted for their crimes, now the Republicans want to blame President Obama for the Tom Daschle fiasco.

We are in the midst of a colossal economic crisis. We want cooperation and we want our problems addressed NOW!

Please stop wasting our time and behaving like rebellious stepchildren in a blended family.

If you are still unwilling to cooperate with President Obama, the voters, and the Democrats, then please just go off somewhere to lick your wounds and get out of our way so we can make some progress FOR A CHANGE!

The Iraq War Will Cost Us $3 Trillion, and Much More;Wall St. COST total is $8.5 trillion!
Thank YOU, Republicans!

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