Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Twitter is highly discriminatory

 ‎Tuesday, ‎April ‎15, ‎2014  8:18pm  EDT

MY Twitter Profile:

Humanitarian, Social Activist, Yellow Dog Democrat;
Equal Rights for ALL! LOVE President Obama,
also music, books, Native America, & British Isles;
Bedford, Indiana  

My Twitter Avatar

My Twitter Background Image:
(Norman Rockwell's "Do Unto Others")

On Wednesday, ‎April ‎09, ‎2014, at  6:22pm EDt, 
I had 9,689 Followers on Twitter, 
but I was suspended shortly thereafter.

I was on Twitter for over two years and never had a problem until November of 2012,
then suddenly and since then,  I was getting suspended almost regularly every month.
As far as I can tell, this was my 17th Suspension in 16 months. 

I find this very strange, BECAUSE I have NEVER changed my actions and behavior on Twitter  since the first day I joined. Yet, for two years I NEVER was suspended but since then I get suspended ALL THE TIME.

Between Wednesday, ‎April ‎09, ‎2014 and today (Tuesday, ‎April ‎15, ‎2014  12:20pm EDT) I had submitted THREE appeals to Twitter, but I STILL had received NO reply from Twitter, 
so I Submitted my 4th Appeal for my 17th suspension Via Online Form on Tuesday, ‎April ‎15, ‎2014  AT 12:20pm EDT.
Here is what I said on my FOURTH Appeal:
Tuesday, ‎April ‎15, ‎2014  12:20pm  EDT
4th Appeal for 17th suspension 
Submitted Via Online Form

My account was suspended on Wednesday, ‎April ‎09, ‎2014. 
At that time, I had 9,689 followers.
98% of my tweets are Favorited and/or Re-Tweeted.

It has been six days since my suspension, 
and I've sent three appeals to Twitter BUT 
I STILL have had NO reply from you.

To my knowledge, I have never broken any Twitter Rules.
I only follow people who follow me and/or who have similar interests to mine.
I don't use profanity, nor do I post pornography. I don't solicit for money or sex, or make death threats, I don't harass others and/or try to get them suspended, yet many people who do any or all of those vile things do NOT get suspended.

I was on Twitter for over two years without any problems, and I still conduct myself in the same manner, have not changed my behavior.   However, in November, 2012, I was suddenly suspended and have been suspended on an almost regular monthly basis since then, despite numerous complaints and protests about it from many of my followers.
I believe this makes 17 Suspensions in 16 months and is bordering on harassment and MAJOR DISCRIMINATION!

I am consistently targeted by a hate group whose primary goal in life seems to be to falsely report me and get me suspended because they disagree with my views. 

            I don't understand why Twitter allows this UNFAIRNESS?!

I just lost my 45 year old (Only Child), daughter, @tkharmonic on March 22 and I need the support of my Twitter Friends at this time.  Please restore my account.
Stranger still is the fact that:
Even though Twitter had NOT replied to my first three appeals at all, 
IMMEDIATELY after I sent the FOURTH appeal,
(Actually, ONE Minute later!) I received the following from Twitter:
From: "Twitter Support"
To:  msrock4ever@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 12:21:27 PM
Subject: Case# 01391267: Please restore my account -
Your account has been suspended due to multiple or repeat violations of the Twitter Rules: https://support.twitter.com/articles/18311

Twitter Support
System Reference: ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Ma634:ref
I replied back to Twitter with the following:
From: "Joyce Jeffries MsRock4Ever" msrock4ever@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: "Twitter Support"
Cc: "Jeffries,, Joyce M."
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 2:14:29 PM
Subject: Re: Case# 01391267: Please restore my account - 


I have reviewed the Twitter Rules at https://support.twitter.com/articles/18311 multiple times, but I still do not believe I am guilty of any of the offenses mentioned.

However, I do block many people of differing political views and would assume they also block me.
The ONLY times I use the @ feature is to comment to my followers in a discussion and sometimes they reply to me with their followers included, but I can't help that.

Why call it "Social Media" if you are going to restrict discussions among people of similar views?

Not only do I still believe I'm unfairly targeted, but many of my followers agree with me.  As long as you continue to allow me to be targeted by hate groups and punish ME for it, 
I will continue to post essays about how Twitter has discriminated against me on Blogger, 
on Tumblr and on Google Plus.
Twitter's FINAL reply to me (THIS time):
From: "Twitter Support"
To: msrock4ever@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 6:04:12 PM
Subject: Case# 01391267: Please restore my account - 


Twitter has spam systems that review account behavior and automatically suspend users who appear to be engaging in spam behavior. It looks like a disproportionately large number of users, including ones you followed, @replied, added to your lists or whose tweets you favorited, have chosen to either block your account or report it as spam.

Your account is now unsuspended. Please make sure you review the following help pages:

• The Twitter Rules:
• Following Limits and Best Practices:
• Automation Rules and Best Practices: 

Please note that It may take an hour or so for your follower and following numbers to return to normal. Further violations may result in permanent suspension.

Twitter Support
System Reference: ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Ma634:ref
So, I guess that is just Twitter's way of letting me know
that they will still continue to suspend me
whenever the whim strikes them or the Hate Groups who target me.

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