Indiana's "Religious Freedom Restoration Act" (RFRA)
Indiana's "Religious Freedom Restoration Act" is just one more way religion tries to infiltrate our Government.
Thomas Jefferson said "Religious institutions that use government power in support of themselves and force their views on persons of other faiths, or of no faith, undermine all our civil rights. Moreover, state support of an established religion tends to make the clergy unresponsive to their own people, and leads to corruption within religion itself. Erecting the 'wall of separation between church and state,' therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society."
I agree, it is essential to keep religion OUT of Our Government. In the USA we have Freedom Of Religion which means that each person can choose IF they want to have a religion or not, and if they do, which one, without fear of discrimination for their choices.
If we were meant to have ONE religion forced on us, we could have stayed in England and still been dictated to by the Church of England. For those who mistakenly want to insist that USA is a "Christian Nation", you need to go back and re-read your history. This law is already a HUGE FAILURE and I predict it will be political suicide for Gov. pence, and deservedly so, because now everyone hates Indiana.
If the churches insist on meddling in politics, they should be TAXED.
I wish our republican friends would be half as eager to pass a JOBS Bill as they are to pass unnecessary religious laws.
A vast MAJORITY of Voters WANT EQUAL Human Rights, Fair Elections, Fair WAGES and Fair TAXES for EVERYONE, Affordable Health Care, Alternative Energy, Wall St. AND Corporate regulation, Student Debt Relief, and End to Wars, or at least reduction in military spending.
WE NEED JOBS but republicans never want to focus on relevant issues that voters want addressed. This is exactly the reason why President Obama was elected TWICE by a HUGE Margin. republicans will never win another national election as long as they continue to focus on what THEY want rather than what voters want.
republicants need to come into the 21st century, and they especially need to STOP trying to prevent anyone from voting. Voting Rights are Civil Rights and are the very fabric of our nation. It is UN-American for ANYONE to try to prevent others from voting.
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